Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More Shots/Videos

While in the Serengeti I also took these videos and pictures. Some other animals seen included
numerous birds:
  • blackbilled bastard
  • black kite
  • black horted kite
  • grey breasted spurfowl
  • white headed vulture
  • purple roller
  • egyptian geese
  • lilal breasted roller
  • secretary birds

Other animals:
  • mongoose
  • numerous termite mounds
  • blackbacked jackal
  • warthogs
  • elands
  • topi
  • hartbeast
  • rock hyrax
  • baboons
  • jack rabbit with HUGE ears
  • leopard turtle

Yes, the female lions really did walk right past our jeeps and sat in the middle of the road and/or next to our jeep!

1 comment:

  1. Great start, Rebecca. I will have mine up on webshots soon. We had a great trip, didn't we? I loved it.
