Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mon. July 12th

More game drives at Tarangire National Park. Today we saw (not in order):
  • bushbuck (antelope with stripped legs)
  • impala
  • zebras
  • mongoose
  • vultures (many types), cranes, eagles, lavendar bird (not it's official name!), red hornbeak
  • dik diks
  • monkey's (black faced veret)
  • LION
  • warthogs
  • giraffe
  • waterbuck
  • ostrich (the males necks get red when they want to mate)
  • more baobab trees--very strange looking, but cool.
  • herd of elephants where the mama was very protective of her baby, stomped her feet, protested, growled at us, and put her ears wide--she let us know she was in charge!

Check out this video of elephants crossing the road right in front of our jeeps.

After came drive, back to camp and has a nature walk with some local Maasai men. They pointed out all kinds of native plants that have been used for medicinal purposes still to this day. We saw/smelled all spice, lemon bush of some kind, acacia tree that when you poke it natural sunblock comes out in a lotion form--was very neat, plant like eucalyptus, Sodom apple tree (little yellow tomato looking plant) that helps with ear aches although poisonous if ingested. Most help with stomach aches although a few plants were used for rashes, ear infections, coughs, etc. Along the way the men pointed out numerous animal tracks: wild dog, zebra, giraffe, lizard, birds, etc. Of course we also learned how to identify diff. animals poop--yes it was exciting to learn that the little dik-dik always goes back to the same place for poop time. Saw a giraffe bone (not sure if it's just there for them to point it out to us).

As we finished our hike, some enjoyed some freshly cooked goat (which unfortunately i saw being slaughtered a few hours earlier). This was defin. NOT the highlight of my trip, but at least the Maasai use all parts of the goat once they kill it. Hiked up a mini-mountain to watch sunset, sing songs, tells stories, and have a cool refreshment.

Early evening of star gazing and looking up animals in my book since tomorrow is an early wake-up!

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