Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fri. & Sat. July 16th/17th

Balloon Ride
We had a super early wake up (4:45am!) so we could get up, dressed and head out in the dark to our meeting point for our Balloon safari. This was my first time going up in a hot air balloon ride and it was paired so nicely w ith a gorgeous sunrise! Although we were only up in the air for about an hour it was very cool to slowly drift across the tops of the trees and watch the animals. Check out the videos below of our inflation and our balloon shadow with gazelles running.

After our amazing ride, we had a champagne toast, and English breakfast, and I even got to use the "Loo with a view." It was a once in a lifetime experience to use a toilet while watching giraffes stroll by! We met up with our group and continued to search for more animals. Finally got to see a leopard--boy are they tough to spot! Our group had missed seeing one the other day in the tree. This one was up on a rock with nothing else around. We even got to see a secretary bird feed it's baby.

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